Saturday, August 7, 2010

Winter Love - Chapter 3: Aftermath

The next few weeks were full of grieving, pain and plans; plans for the funeral, plans for our future all that we did was plan, plan, plan. I couldn't take it. I just wanted my mother back and everything to be back to normal. I just wanted to see my dad smile again and not drink himself stupid everyday. I just wanted my sister to not be in so much pain and have to witness our father falling apart. I just wanted to make it better but I couldn't. My fist collided with the wall damaging myself in the process as well as creating an indentation into the wall. My jaw clenched tightly being the only sign I was in pain.

My father staggered through my bedroom door the scent of alcohol almost made me choke it was so strong. I swear I could even taste it. He'd really let himself go. Usually he was well groomed but he hadn't shaven in days and it took a few days of nagging at him to get him to it. Normally he had clean clothes on but now he just wore jeans and a t-shirt both covered in stains from the past few days. His short brown hair was greasy and needed to be washed. To be honest HE needed to be washed thoroughly and he needed a shave. To avoid taking in the sorry sight of my father for much longer, I stared at the old book my mother used to read to me as a boy. She loved writing stories and wrote one for me and, 5 years later, wrote one for my sister when she was born; both were personalized for us. Whenever I missed my mum I picked up the book and felt the rough pages in my hand knowing my mother had touched these pages. I felt so much closer to her when I did this.

What the hell is he doing...No-one cares if this house is big he should pull himself together...But he just lost mum...What about us doesn't he care about...He just LOST his SOULMATE it's only...It's not fair!

I knew I shouldn't be so angry with him but I couldn't help it. We'd lost our mother too but he didn't seem to care at all. All that mattered to him was taking away HIS pain.

Sit down on the bed Elijah”

Clumsily, breaking a few things in the process, he arrived next to me.

I-I-I'm sorry...I'm hurting I just want...Look I know...Listen it's just...It's just I miss her so much. I want her back here with me, back with you and your sister. I want things to...”

To go back to normal? You think we don't want the same thing? You think this is any easier for us? Huh? Do ya? NO because it isn't! Is it? But do you see us getting drunk? No because we're looking after each other and dealing with our pain so why don't YOU do the same?”

BECAUSE IT HURTS TOO MUCH! I WANT TO BE DEAD WITH HER BUT I'M NOT I'M HERE WITH YOU!” His body rose and fell along with his tears.

I'm sorry son...I didn't...I just meant I want to be with her but I love...hmm...I love you two as well...I can't leave you guys both now can I?” Our argument seemed to have sobered him up.

If you loved us you'd quit with the drinking.” It came out as a whisper as I tried to control the anger building inside of me. I was face to face with him staring right into his eyes. The alcohol hung thick in the air invading my sense of smell along with his body odour.

I couldn't sleep that. I kept tossing and turning with the events of the past few months replaying in my mind. The smell of rain hung in the air. I stared out through the gap between my curtains staring at the moon when I heard a gentle knocking on my bedroom door and then my sister popped her head through the door to see if I was awake.

Elizabeth, what's up?”

Can I stay in here a little while?”

Of course you can lil' sis'!”

Can we talk? I heard you and dad arguing.”

I protected my eyes from sudden change in the room from being dark to light. A gentle laugh emanated from my sister.

Sorry I just wanted to put the light on, y'know?”

She's so strange sometimes. She sat beside me and I briefly gave her a hug.

It's okay and yeah well he needed to be told. He's upsetting you and of course I gotta protect my lil' sis' from getting hurt don't I?”

She glared at me as I ruffled her hair playfully. Her smile suddenly dissipated.

I miss her Elijah.”

I reached out and wiped a few of her tears away and gently caressed her again but I didn't let go.

I know you do...I do too...You like just like her y'know?”

And she did. Unlike me she had the brightest blue eyes and was very petite although we both shared the Cole coloured hair hers was slightly curly; just like mums.

Yeah, what're we gonna do? What if dad doesn't stop? What if we lose him too?”

Her body shook as more tears spilled over and stained my t-shirt.

It's okay. It's okay.”

I pulled back and looked her in the eyes.

I'm not leaving you. Whatever happens I'll be here. I'll deal with Dad don't you worry. I'm your big brother, I'll be here to protect you! You remember when you had your first date?”

Yeah I thought it was Dads that were s'pose to chase of all the guys not big brothers.” She laughed.

After a while she fell asleep in my arms and so I carried her into her bed and tucked her in. I kissed her cheek and could taste the saltiness from her tears. I stifled a laugh as she began to lightly snore.

You won't ever have to cry again lil' sister. I'll make everything okay I promise.

It was about 3am when I finally got to sleep. I needed to rest up. I needed to do well. I needed to provide for my sister. I was the only one left for her and I needed to look after her since our father obviously wasn’t going too.

Winter Love - Chapter 2: Pain

I spared no time getting to the hospital. I can't waste a...She might be gone any moment...Oh God what would I do...How can I...I need her...We need her...How will Dad get through losing...And my sister...Can I be strong enough for them both?

Tears welled in my eyes and all the strength I had went into suppressing them. I couldn't let her see me like this, I couldn't let her know more tears had been shed. She's been through enough as it is. The end was near for her; death was lurking around the corner waiting to pounce and steal its prey, my mother.

I rushed to her room and sat with her. At home resting lay my father sprawled out on their bed. He'd not been sleeping much lately, the reasons evident and he tried to spend as much time with her as possible. I couldn't wake him today I knew he needed his rest and finally, when it got to about 1pm, he arrived so I left. Since 10:30am me and mum had been laughing and joking in between her sleeping. They need their alone time since it was clear there wasn't much left. 30 years of marriage and soon my father would be alone.

Sleep was trying to consume me so I went for coffee in this little cafe in town I went to regularly. In my bag I carried my laptop which meant after I grabbed a coffee I could catch-up on some of my essays for Uni. I studied English literature and needed to focus on getting all the work in on time. I knew my mother wanted me to do well and that's what my goal was since we found out she had terminal cancer. I wanted, no needed to make her proud of me and besides it wasn't likely she was leaving us today.

Sluggishly I wandered up to the counter. The smell of coffee surrounded me and even that began to wake me a little. The room was vibrant in colour with blues, reds and yellows splashed across the walls. The quite hum of people having private conversations mixed with the radio playing calmed me a little from worrying so much about getting through this year of Uni. This was the sort of place that was comfortably busy.

There was a new girl in today which slightly annoyed me. Great slow service since this new chicks not going to know what to do...I rolled my eyes with this thought.

What would you like?”

Grande coffee, please.” I requested with a fake smile plastered on my face for politeness.

I watched in amusement as she fumbled around trying to remember all she had to do. To me it didn't seem that difficult but this girl was proving otherwise. She was quite pretty with long brown hair, a petite, well toned figure, slightly tanned skin and rather beautiful blue eyes but also seemed annoying because from what I gathered she was the shy type that lacked any confidence what so ever.

That will be 1.75 please Sir.” She finally mumbled after about 5 minutes of waiting.

I handed over the money.

Thank you”


After perfecting my coffee with milk and sugar I found a table to sit at and do my work in a little corner situated next to a window.


It was 3 coffee's, 1 cake and 4 hours later when I thought I'd sufficiently caught up with my work for the moment. That's when it happened. I was just about to leave when my phone began ringing. I heard my father sobbing on the phone. need to come to the hospital.”

What's happened? She's not...?”

No...She's-She's still alive.”

Okay I'll be right over.”

Hurry, she's taken a turn for the worst.”

And with that I sprinted out the door to my car and drove as fast as I could to get there.


Tears filled my eyes and spilled over the moment I saw her.

My boy, my sweet baby boy.” she whispered.

Yes Mama?” I said barely audibly

Look after them, they'll need you” She looked out of the window into the corridor where my father and sister stood.

They need you even more.” I said and she laughed so sweetly.

I'm so proud of you Elijah.” A few tears slid down her face as she kissed my forehead.

I love you so much Mama please don't leave us, please? You weren't suppose to leave us so soon”

I'm sorry I can't stay baby. I need you to promise to look after them.”

I will.”

That's my boy” her voice sounded strained throughout this conversation. Her strength was leaving, you could almost see the life leaving her.

I lay next to my mother on the hospital bed, even though it wasn't allowed and cradled her in my arms. Her hands reached both sides of my face and made me look at her. She smiled briefly at me that beautiful smile I'd always loved from her. The one that told me everything was okay.

I love you baby boy."

Her eyes closed, her life left her. She was gone.